Mission – Advance leadership and excellence of science and technology of the United States and to empower and inspire the next generation of Americans

Program highlights: Interactive lectures, Leadership & Entrepreneurship workshop, Lab and campus tours, Project design presentation & mentoring by distinguished professors and senior executives and leaders from institutions such as Princeton, Caltech, Columbia, Microsoft, Shell, Google. The top three presentations with impactful and creative ideas at Princeton academy will win the AAASE Summer Academy DDL best presentation awards with $2000, $1500, and $1000, respectively, for the first, second, and third places.

AAASE welcomes applications from diverse and financially disadvantaged students.

Princeton University Summer Academy (in person)

Time: Jun 26 – Jul 1, 2023, 9AM-5PM (Day Program Only)

Venue: D221 E-Quad, Olden Street, Princeton University, Google Map

Number of student admission: ~50

Program and Lecturers (click)

California Institute of Technology Summer Academy (in person)

Time: July 10 - 14, 2023, 9AM-5PM (Day Program Only)

Venue: Keck Center, California Institute of Technology, Google Map

Number of student admission: ~30

Theme: Dare Mighty Things

Co-organized by Boya Foundation and LEAP Career Development Forum

Program and Lecturers (click)

Tuition fee**

Lifetime Member*

Regular Member*

No member










*Lifetime member and regular member status need to be validated by Jan 31st 

**Tuition fee is paid after admission acceptance notice (April 8th). Tuition includes lunches and one reception

Program, Application, and Eligibility

Program: 2023 summer academy program is under development. A tentative program can be found above. Please use 2022 AAASE Summer Academy Program information as an example for the 2023 program. Some 2022 summer academy students reflection can be found here

Eligibility: 10th-12th grades in the fall of 2023, US citizen or Green card holder

Application fee: The application fee is $20 (the application fee will be deducted from the tuition fee if students are admitted),  and need to be paid via Zelle using AAASE.org@gmail.com before the application closing day March 6, 2023.

Application and deadlines (application is closed): 

Feb 1, 2023: online application starts on Feb.1, 2023. Please use this Application Form to submit your application by March 6, 2023 (Please note that to open the Application Form, you need to sign into your Google account because we are collecting your CV and other files)

Mar 6, 2023: application is closed on midnight (PST) 

Apr 8, 2023: admission date; email notification to students and parents

Apr 15, 2023: acceptance confirmation, parent agreement, tuition payment, and university policy agreement

Jun 26, 2023: Princeton campus academy starts at Princeton University

Jul 10, 2023: Caltech campus academy starts at Caltech

Application document required: The following items are needed to be submitted at the time of application 

For questions about the summer academy application: Caltech: yutaohe@aaase.org; Princeton: yuanxue@aaase.org